The ultimate in flexibility, Flex League allows players to organize their own matches whenever it is convenient for them. Playing in this league has no impact on your NTRP rating, making it the perfect option for people who find it difficult to commit to a regular time each week.
Flex Leagues are a great way to play tennis ‘on your schedule.’
Prior to the season start, you will receive information on who your opponents will be. Communicate with your opponents throughout the season to find a mutually agreeable day and time that works for you to play your match.
Benefits of Flex League:
- Excellent way to stay in shape between seasons!
- Practice your singles game or with your partner to prepare for next season!
- Participation does not count towards NTRP ratings. No pressure!
- Flex League Season Dates: December 1st through February 16th.
Who Can Play?
- Women’s Singles: 2.5, 3.0, & 3.5
- Women’s Doubles: 6.0 & 7.0
- Men’s Singles: 3.0, 3.5 & 4.0
- Men’s Doubles: 7.0 & 8.0
- 18+
Registration: October 27-November 24
Format of Play: Best 2 of 3 sets with a 10pt tie break in lieu of a 3rd set. Coman set tiebreak is used at 6-6 (first to 7pts leading by 2pts). Players should enter scores on USTA within 24 hours of match date. Please agree on score before you leave the match.
Register NOW through the USTA Tennis Link site. https://tennislink.usta.com/
Registration instructions are available below